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Placeholders in Jetpack CRM

Throughout the CRM, you can use placeholders, which are replaced with contact data. For example, you could use the ##CONTACT-FNAME## placeholder to automatically insert a contact’s first name into an invoice or email.

You can see all the available placeholders by going to Jetpack CRM > System Assistant > Placeholder Map. Or, by hovering over your Gravatar (profile image) at the top of any Jetpack CRM admin page, and going to CRM Admin > System Assistant > Placeholder Map.

Invoice Placeholders

Suppose you need to create a custom field for invoicing purposes (for example, EU users can customize & be compliant with EU law). In that case, we have some options you want to consider: you can start from this page to create customised templates for invoicing.

You can use our templating function if you feel comfortable tinkering with PDF templates (PHP and HTML code).

You can edit the file at invoices/invoice-pdf.html to change Invoice PDFs. You can use any Global placeholders or Invoice placeholders found at Jetpack CRM > System Assistant > Placeholder Map. These will include built-in placeholders as well as custom fields you’ve created.

For invoicing purposes the ##INVOICE-CREATED## will be an available placeholder that you can use once you have created it:

A note about placeholders and emails

When adding custom field placeholders in emails, you don’t see them displaying well in the preview and test emails.
When you send out the campaigns, the placeholders will appear as expected.

You can test it with your own contact/email segment to ensure you’re using the placeholder with the custom name correctly.

Updated on August 23, 2023
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